Call us! Production Company Melbourne
George Giampietri
M: 0422 269 146
PO Box 105
Elwood, 3184 Vic.
ABN: 28 862 551 379
Medialight Studios is based in Elwood Victoria. We work from several studios around Melbourne depending on the projects we have on the go. Meetings can be arranged to suit your needs and we are happy to accommodate location and hours.
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Medialight Studios are passionate about video production and producing the best product for you and your company. We are proud of our work and we have a strong work ethic. Above all, we strive to get the best video for you in the time frame requested.
Moreover, only the best equipment is used and serviced regularly. That is to say we update software and firmware on our equipment to ensure it works and runs smoothly.
We have years of experience and we make sure our crew are skilled and ready to film. We also have years of experience in events and film corporate functions and conferences. In addition to capturing your event digitally, our camera images can be sent to large screen projection, also know as Image Magnifiction (IMAG), to enhance the live event exprience. This can be accomplished with one camera or multiple cameras.